Monday, June 8, 2015

Bylaws Amendments To Be Voted On At Convention

Kentucky PTA Proposed Bylaws Amendments            

Will be voted on during Convention: July 10-11, 2015

Proposed Amendment #1- Article VII:  Officers-Election and Vacancies

#Section 1.  The elective officers of the Kentucky PTA shall be a president, a president-elect, three (3) vice presidents, a recording secretary and a treasurer.

Proposed amendment:
#Section 1.  The elective officers of the Kentucky PTA shall be a president, a president-elect, five (5) vice presidents, a recording secretary and a treasurer.*

*If this amendment passes, the two additional vice presidents will be elected prior to the conclusion of the 2015 Kentucky PTA Convention.

Rationale: This will allow Kentucky PTA to grow and further emphasize membership and communications within our association.

Proposed Amendment #2-Article X:  Board of Directors

Section 10.  At all meetings of the board, fifteen (15) members of the board of directors shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Proposed amendment:
Section 10.  At all meetings of the board, one half of the members of the board of directors plus one shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.

Rationale: This will allow Kentucky PTA to operate more effectively by having a moving minimum quorum based on the number of board members.

Proposed Amendment #3-Article XI: Committees

Section 4. b. Select one (1) nominee for each elected commissioner to be elected by the board of directors at the Post-Convention board meeting and as stipulated in Article XVI, Section 5.

Proposed amendment:
Remove Section 4b from the Kentucky PTA bylaws.

Rationale: The Kentucky PTA Standing Rules have been amended and approved to reflect that all commissioners will now be appointed by the Kentucky PTA President.  This will eliminate the need for the Nominating Committee to nominate any commissioners for election.

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