Sunday, June 7, 2015

Kentucky PTA Elections Information

The elected officers of the Kentucky PTA are a president, a president-elect, vice presidents, a recording secretary and a treasurer.  The vice presidents include:
·         Vice President of Organizational Services
·         Vice President of Leadership/Outreach
·         Vice President of Programs
·         Vice President of Communications*
·         Vice President of Membership*

*These positions will be voted on pending the approval of the bylaws amendment to add two additional vice presidents to the executive committee of the Kentucky PTA.

The officers will be elected at the annual Kentucky PTA Convention.  This will be held July 10-11, 2015 at the Saber & Quill at Fort Knox.

The term of office for each officer shall be two (2) years or until the election and qualification of his/her successor.

The vote shall be by ballot under the supervision of the committee on election.  If there is only one (1) nominee for an office, with the approval of the assembly, the election may be by acclamation for that office.  A majority vote shall be required for election.

The slate of officers for 2015-2017 as proposed by the Kentucky PTA Nominating Committee may be found here: 2015-2017 Slate

The following provisions shall govern the qualifications and eligibility of persons to be officers of the Kentucky PTA:                                                       
·         Only a member of a local PTA/PTSA of the Kentucky PTA shall be eligible to hold office in the Kentucky PTA or any of its divisions.
  • Only those who are currently serving and have served at least one (1) year as a member of the board of directors shall be eligible for the office of president-elect.
  • The president and president-elect shall serve no more than one (1) full term in the same office.
  • A person who has served in an office for one-half (1/2) or more of a term shall be deemed to have served a full term in such office.
  • From the close of Kentucky PTA Convention through the close of the next Kentucky PTA Convention shall constitute a one-half (1/2) term of office.
  • Only those persons who meet the foregoing qualifications and only those who have consented to serve if elected shall be nominated by either the nominating committee or from the floor.
  • Nominees from the floor must have given thirty (30) days’ notification before the beginning of the annual convention conference of their intent to run.
·         Notification must be given in writing to the Kentucky PTA President, the nominating committee chairman, and convention chairman.
President: Eddie Squires
Nominating Committee Chair: Heather Wampler
Convention Chair: Kelly Capps  

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